Priority of Individual Product Addon V/S Collection Product Addons
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In this article, we are going to tell you about the addons visibility priority of Product & Collection addons.
Let’s understand the priority of addons created with Individual products and with collection products.
When you create addons with individual products as well as with collections created with the same individual products but with different addons, in that case, our app gives priority to Individual product addons
Let’s understand the above with the help of an example:
You have "Product A" and "Collection ABC" which is created with Product A, Product B and Product C, etc.
You have created addons for both as given below:
Product A
Product X
Product Y
Product Z
Collection ABC
Product U
Product V
Product W
Expected result for Product A
On Product Page:
Products X, Y and Z will be showing as addons on the product page.
On Cart Page:
Products X, Y, Z, U, V and W will be showing as addon on the cart page.
Please refer to the below video for better understanding: