How to show automated variant images as swatch
Setup automated variant images in swatch for product and collection.
Last updated
Setup automated variant images in swatch for product and collection.
Last updated
App allows you to show variant images in swatch options if you choose "Circular", "Square", "Swatch in card", "Swatch in box", "Swatch in Pill" styles, and "Variant Image" types in the Options Configuration.
Once you configure "Variant Image" type in the Options Configuration in the app you need to configure variant images in the product section in Shopify.
If you have multiple images then arrange the images such that all the images belonging to a particular variant should be together in the sequence you want them to be displayed and repeat it for all the variants.
In the below screenshot, all the images of “gray” caps are placed together followed by the “blue” and “red” color variants.
After arranging the images in the groups, we need to assign the images to the variants.
Note: Please note that the first image of the group should be assigned to the variant**.**
If you have multiple images for a variant then you can show the "First", "Second" and "Last" images in the swatch: