Custom Options
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The custom options feature in the EVS app allows you to add personalized options to your products, including additional text fields, image swatches, extra buttons, and more. Additionally, the EVS app enables multiple functionalities, such as customizing Shopify's default swatches by wrapping them with images or using custom color swatch styles.
What are options and option sets?
The option set is a collection of one or more individual options (like color, material, etc.) that you want to display on the product page. The Option (like color) is an individual option that is displayed on the product. Additionally, with custom options, you can add an exclusion to the restriction of Shopify’s 3 variant options on the product page.
Custom Option Sets - With an option set, you can create one or more options that you want to add to a specific product or all products.
Individual Options - With individual options, you can create the options individually and assign them to required option sets.
Rules creation based on conditions - by creating rules, you can display the EVS custom options based on conditions.
Let’s understand Custom Option Creation and usage with an example:
You have 3 options (Color, Style, and Material) in a product created in Shopify admin. Now you want to add the 4th and 5th options with the functionality of adding custom text and radio buttons. (shown in the below image).
Creating Custom Options in the App
Let's understand the process of creating these custom options for the product of your choice or on all products available in the store.
Step-1: Open EVS App → Click on Custom Options → Click on Create option set.
Step-2: Enter the Title for Options set (for your remembrance) → In Add To Product – Choose All products or Specific Products (on which you want to show the virtual options) → Click on Create New Option – select an option that you want to display on the product
Step 3: Choose an option from Create New Options (we have chosen a Radio option) → A popup will appear to set up the following content and option styling.
Enter the Option name (for your remembrance – Not visible to customers)
Add value – This will add the option variants for the product
Label (option name) – This is the default label visible on the product for this option. You can change it to suit your requirements.
Info Text (Tooltip) – You can show the required content for this option in the tooltip on hover. You can make the option mandatory by selecting the Required option
Option Description – Display the required caption with the option.
In-Cart Name – You can specify the option name which is to be displayed with the product when added to the cart.
You can create as many options as you want for a Product. For creating Individual Options, please check this link - Individual Option Creation