Configuring the Display Settings
Last updated
Last updated
The App supports 2 display types. Only one display can be active at a time.
Banner on top: Displays a bar/banner on top with a customizable message and buttons.
Popup Box: Displays a modal box with a customizable title, message and buttons.
To configure the display setting go to Settings -> Display Settings
Select Type of Display Choose how the redirection prompt will be displayed:
Popup Box Title (if Popup Box selected)
Enter a title for the popup box. This title will appear at the top of the popup.
Display Logo Image in Popup Box? (if Popup Box selected)
Yes: Displays your store logo in the popup box.
No: Disables the logo display for a simpler look.
Yes Button Text
Enter the text for the "Yes" button, which confirms the redirection.
Example: Yes, redirect me
No Button Text
Enter the text for the "No" button, which cancels the redirection.
Example: No, stay here
Message Content
Customize the message displayed in the popup box. Use this space to inform users about the redirection.
Add custom CSS to style the Banner/Popup box according to your brand.
Click Preview to see how the popup will look and function.
Once satisfied, click Save to apply your changes.
If you need to discard the changes, click Cancel