How to integrate the App with store to display variant wise images
Complete Integration to display variant wise images
Last updated
Complete Integration to display variant wise images
Last updated
The Easy Variant Images app configuration is 3 step process and is the easiest one (in case the product is configured in the store)
Before going to step 1 please enable the app by clicking on the "App Enable/Disable" button in the menu bar.
In this step, you are required to select the most recent available version of the theme script according to your store's theme version. For example, if you are using Dawn V12.0.0, then you need to select Dawn V8 in the app and click Save.
In this step, click on the "Go To Theme Editor" button which will redirect you to the theme editor page.
Click the toggle button on the theme editor page to enable the "App Embed" of the Easy Variant Images app and finally click "Save".
Go to the product section choose a product and follow the instructions below:
Arrange the images such that all the images belonging to a particular variant should be together in the sequence you want them to be displayed and repeat it for all the variants.
In the below screenshot, all the images of “Gray” caps are placed together followed by the “Blue” and “Red” color variants.